Dropping funnels, conical, with PTFE plug

Conical shape with NS socket and NS cone, with PTFE plug, with screwthread retaining device, with inscription label, without scale, material: borosilicate glass 3.3
Capacity (ml)Socket (NS)Cone (NS)Bore (mm)Pack (qty.)Cat. No.
50 19/26 19/26 2,5 1 4 4728 02
100 19/26 19/26 2,5 1 4 4737 02
250 29/32 29/32 4,0 1 4 4749 04
500 29/32 29/32 4,0 1 4 4758 04
1000 29/32 29/32 6,0 1 4 4770 04
2000 29/32 29/32 6,0 1 4 4773 04